Guiding Principles of Recovery
- There are many pathways to recovery
- Recovery is self-directed and empowering
- Recovery involves a personal recognition of the need for change and transformation
- Recovery is holistic
- Recovery has cultural dimensions
- Recovery exists on a continuum of improved health and wellness
- Recovery emerges from hope and gratitude
- Recovery involves a process of healing and self- redefinition
- Recovery involves addressing discrimination and transcending shame and stigma
- Recovery is supported by peers and allies
- Recovery involves (re)joining and (re)building a life in the community
- Recovery is a reality
Elements of Recovery-Oriented Systems and Services
- Person Centered
- Inclusive of family and other ally involvement
- Individualized an comprehensive services across the lifespan
- Systems anchored in the community
- Continuity of care
- Partnership-consultant relationships
- Strength-based
- Culturally responsive
- Responsiveness to personal believe systems
- Commitment to peer recovery support services
- Inclusion of the voices and experiences of recovering individuals and their families
- Integrated services
- System-wide education and training
- Ongoing monitoring and outreach
- Outcomes driven
- Research based
- Adequately and flexibly balanced